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Living Room Furnishings in Austin, Texas

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TEAM 7 Furniture

Humans possess a natural fascination with wood – We’re drawn to it’s organic aesthetics and positive characteristics. At LAVISH, we are pleased to offer a distinct and iconic collection of natural, sustainable wood furniture by TEAM 7. With 8 different sustainably-forested European hardwood species along with glass and ceramic accent options, you can have these unique handcrafted pieces made to your specifications and delivered directly from Austria.

Create an Inviting Environment

The living room is for gatherings, lively conversation and relaxation with the people you care about. Do it in comfort with the elegant furniture line from LAVISH. We work with you to find pieces that will invite your family and turn your living room into a space you love.

Engage a Designer Today

Ask us anything or get started on a custom project with a complimentary initial consultation.

Visit the LAVISH design studio located at Domain NORTHSIDE!